
Teaching the Value of Money

This is an older post and I'm sorry it is going to show up here, but I'm trying to consolidate all my "Homeschooling" posts onto the Homeschool page and this was the only way I could do this...

In just a couple weeks Carter will turn 4. With that comes a big change. He will no longer be in the nursery at night for the evening service at church. He will now sit with us...:) I'm preparing some things for that, but one of the things that was coming to mind was the offering. I also recently heard a brief radio session from Dave Ramsey on teaching your children the value of money. It was dealing with older children but it got me thinking, nonetheless. So, today I was thinking about starting to implement this (as soon as I get my roll of dimes from the bank.) :) We will start giving Carter 50 cents/per week for "dust busting" the kitchen and stairs (which he already likes to do) and for “dusting” the living room.

He will be given 5 dimes for completing these tasks. If he complains about doing the job, one of the dimes goes to Mom and Dad. This will come from his "spending" portion. The 5 dimes will be split up as follows:

1. one dime for the offering at church
2. two dimes for saving in his bank
3. two dimes for spending on things Mom or Dad agree are appropriate.

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