
Monthly Meal Plans

Hello! I want to take a little survey to see if anyone is finding the Monthly Meal Plans helpful that I post each month. Do you use them? Should I continue to take the time to post them? I don't mind posting them, but on the other hand it is a bit time-consuming so if no one is really using them then I will focus on other posts. :)

Please leave a comment letting me know if you want me to continue posting meal plans or if you don't really use them. Thanks!



well, i love seeing what you guys are having for dinner, but that's mostly cuz i'm nosy :) i could never plan out a full month - i am in awe of you guys who do that! i have enough trouble just planning out one week... said...

well, you'll be happy to know we're having one of YOUR yummy recipes tonight! "lettuce wrap you in velvety goodness" A favorite! :)

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