He has done fantastic through this process. We are so thankful to the Lord for His help and for leading us to a great doctor who can help our son become desensitized to peanuts (and eventually his other tree nut allergies as well).
It was such a beautiful day today watching our son pop that peanut in his mouth without any fear or anxiety. He even thought it tasted good! ;)
We have a long ways to go before he graduates from OIT, but he has come so far. To think that the child who couldn't even be at the same table with peanuts has now eaten one is such a milestone.
That very first day at OIT he started off at 1.025 micrograms of peanut protein. Today he ate 205 milligrams.
This week our dosing takes on a different look! We bought a scale that measures milligrams so each dose will be accurate and dosing will be with peanuts now since we have moved past peanut flour.
Here are some pictures of our day. Thank you for your prayers.
Before dosing, he always gets his heart rate checked.
And then he gets his blood pressure and temperature taken
His very first peanut!
(I have to say "Thank you, Lord!" I'm in complete amazement about this!)
He has never seen a real peanut before today. He wanted to see what they look like before he ate one. :)
Eating it without care in the world!
Chewing it up and tasting a real peanut for the first time.
He gave us the thumbs up for approval!
Caleb and his fabulous, caring Doctor.
The kids occupying themselves for an hour while we wait to make sure Caleb tolerates the dose. (Which he did!) This is something we have to do each week.
Please keep in mind, he has worked his way up to a whole peanut in calculated doses. This is not something we would ever do at home and only under the care of an experienced physician with a fantastic history with previous patients. So thankful that the Lord led us to just such a doctor!
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This is so awesome! I love hearing about this! My son is allergic to peanuts (and a few other nuts) and so this really appeals to me... maybe someday I'll actually get around to finding a doctor who will work with us!
Brittany, That would be great if you could find a doctor near you. I am so thankful for this program. We plan to conquer almonds next. :) (Although sometimes the almond allergy goes away after dealing with the peanut allergy so I'm hopeful about that!)
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