
Today's FREE Educational Kindle Books or Amazon Prime Videos to Make Summer Learning Easy

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Summer is in full swing around here but that doesn't mean we have to stop learning! In fact, summer is a great time to include a few educational videos and fun Kindle books or apps along the way. Not only do these kinds of things give kids something new to watch and learn about but it also gives you time to get caught up on your own things.

In order to keep learning fun and on the move around here, I scoured Amazon for a bit today to find FREE educational videos and books that I think my kids will like (and I bet yours will, too!). Since Amazon's deals can fluctuate from day to day, be sure to at least download these ASAP and then view or read them at your leisure.


P.S. I haven't had time to preview each and every item since I just found them all today so please use discretion. ;)

Free Educational Amazon Prime Videos

The Civil War (Season 1) by Ken Burns
The National Parks (Season 1) by Ken Burns
Scenic National Parks
The Story of the Butterfly
Egypt's Golden Empire
The Greeks: Crucible of Civilization
Nature Volume 2
Pearl Harbor

Free Educational Kindle Books

What State Am I? (Grade Level 3-6)
15 Smart Animals From Around the World (Age Level 3-8)
Kids Animal Book (Age Level 3-8)
Chess: How to Play Chess

Our Sponsors:

BZ's Botanicals--All natural beard oil made from
essential oils, hemp seed oil, apricot kernel oil and almond oil

Homemaker's Depot--Homemaker's Depot is an online store that provides resources to encourage, enlighten and help the Christian Homemaker enjoy her calling

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This post may involve product that was received in exchange for a review or contain affiliate links for which I will earn compensation should you choose to make a purchase. I am disclosing this information in accordance with the Federal Trade Commission’s 16 CFR Part 255, Guides Concerning the Use of Endorsements and Testimonials in Advertising. Thank you for your support of Purposeful Homemaking.

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