
A Little Bit O' Crafting

I'm not the greatest at finding cute, easy crafts for my kids to do which is a shame. Because they LOVE crafts.

But, every once in awhile, I can find one that I am motivated to do. And believe it or not, we did THREE crafts this week!  That must be a record, I'm guessing. Here they are in case you want to try some with your kiddos!

Carter is learning about Rainforests so we did a tree frog craft. 

Caleb even got to participate. :)

I love his serious "I'm working hard" look here.

The other craft I just came up with on a limb, er, I mean whim. Hee hee.  :) It's our Autumn Handprint Tree. It's so easy I'm sure I don't even need to give you the directions...That's why I was able to come up with it!

And the third one is an apple craft and I got the idea from Classified: Mom, here. Caleb and I also did a pumpkin version. This is another easy, but cute craft. Check it out! And in case you haven't been on Pinterest yet, there are a TON of cute craft ideas on there---it's inspiring me! :)

1 comment:

Aimee said...

Thank you for the mention- your apple and pumpkin turned out great!

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