
Gingerbread Hunt

One of our favorite things to do in December is our annual Gingerbread Hunt! My kids look forward to it and have so much fun even though the older two kids know "the secret" now. (You know...the part where you go to get the Gingerbread Men out of the oven and they are gone!) :)

Earlier in the day I prepared the dough with this recipe. It is by far my favorite (and I have tried several over the years!) And, since this recipe was sweetened raw honey I don't feel one bit bad about the kids eating them-one time even for breakfast this week! :)

This is such a fun activity to do with little ones. I first started doing it when I taught preschool, but as you can tell, even my first grader enjoys it!

 We started the night off by Carter reading The Gingerbread Man story to his sister.

Then Daddy rolled the dough and helped the kids use the gingerbread cookie cutters.

When the timer went off, the kids eagerly ran to the oven...only to find the gingerbread missing!

 But don't worry, they left some clues behind which the kids loved finding and reading.

The cookies were found with a final note from the Gingerbread Men--those crazy rascals! :)

What a fun time! If you're looking for a few more ideas, swing by Babbling Abby for them.

Have you ever done a Gingerbread Hunt with your kids? If so, what are some things you do?

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MiaB said...

I've never done this or heard of this before... this is an awesome activity. How fun!!! said...

I hope you can do it with your little ones! :) Post pics on your blog if you do. :)

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