What is Library and Educational Services?
Library and Educational Services (L.E.S.) is a small family company that has been around for 35 years. They are based out of Southwest Michigan and are a wholesale distributor for resellers, schools (including home schools), churches, missionaries, licensed daycare centers, and libraries. They offer the same wholesale discounts to home schools that they offer to other schools. (Yippee!)
What We Reviewed
My children and I reviewed two of the Creation based Go Science videos from Library and Educational Services.
We chose Water, Space and Solar System because we are currently in a unit on the Solar System and also Air and Flight because my son has a fascination with airplanes and I thought it would be good for him to understand some of the science behind flying.

Library and Educational Services policy is that they choose to distribute CDs, DVDs, and books that have been carefully selected to ensure they are in harmony with Christian values and morals. However, on rare occasion, they find a book or series that contains 1 or 2 brief references to evolution. When this is the case, they clearly note it on their website that there is a minor reference to evolution so you are well aware of this fact before you purchase the product.
Sometimes in our current curriculum we come across brief references to the theory of evolution. I'm okay with this because we always discuss its flaws and how it falls short of what Scriptures teach. That being said, I do believe it is important for our children to be good at spotting false (anti-biblical) theories and to critically think through why those theories are false.
It is however, absolutely refreshing to know that these DVDs are taught from a biblical perspective and always have God at the center of science. I love that my children can watch these videos without me having to discuss the errors that are present.
What We Thought
The presentation on these DVDs is in a very child friendly atmosphere--not just at a lab desk. Children are engaged in questions and in the experiments themselves.
Overall, I was very pleased with the DVDs. For the most part, I think they were pleasant to watch with our children. I did feel that they are perhaps a little out of date, but not in a way that affect the information being taught.
One suggestion I would make is that a list of needed materials be provided with each DVD so that you and your child can complete the science experiments at home. Otherwise, you have to watch the DVD yourself, jot down the materials needed and then watch it again with your child.
I also like that the science experiments are all things that children would find interesting and that scientific terms were also introduced as needed.
Additional Information
Be sure to check out what my TOS crewmates think about Library and Educational Services!
Disclaimer: As a member of the TOS Crew, I received this product, at no cost to me, in exchange for my honest review. All opinions are mine.
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