One of my goals this year for Purposeful Homemaking is to share with you various books that have positively impacted my life.
One such book is Disciplines of a Godly Woman by Barbara Hughes. This is a book that I started way back in 2004 and for whatever reason never got around to finishing it.
However, recently I was trying to figure out what to use as part of my devotional time with God and saw this book and started reading it again. I like using it as part of my devotional time because there is a sufficient amount of Scripture incorporated throughout each chapter and at the end of each chapter is a section that allows you to renew your mind. In that section you are posed various questions as well as given passages of Scripture to look up.
I like this approach because Mrs. Hughes has challenged me and encouraged me so much in what she has written and it also gives me some direction in the study of God's Word.
Since I started this book awhile ago, I actually picked up where I left off somewhere in the middle, finished it, and now am starting back over again!
Although the chapters aren't particularly long, I generally can't get through a whole chapter during my quiet time because I do need to spend time in God's Word and in prayer (I've appreciated the book, Praying the Bible for Your Children by David and Heather Kopp for some of my prayer time).
To give you an idea of what this book is like, here are the various "disciplines" that are covered:
Discipline...for Godliness, of the Gospel, of Submission, of Prayer, of Worship, of Mind, of Contentment, of Propriety, of Perseverance, of the Church, of Singleness, of Marriage, of Nurturing, of Good Deeds, of Witness, of Giving and the Grace of Discipline.
I don't know about you, but I sure can use more discipline in just about every one of those areas! We're all a work of progress, aren't we? :)
I often found myself underlining particular sections of this book or making notes in the margin so as not to forget those particular truths.I think this really is a book that can easily be re-read every few years so as to refresh oneself in the challenges of discipline.
What books are you reading that are blessing you in your walk with God? Please share them in the comments below.
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