One of my own sweet babies
This is the personal testimony of a former college roommate of mine. Here is her story:
January 22 always hits me right between the eyes. I
see it coming on the calendar weeks ahead of time and I make plans—happy plans
that involve doing things with my family—things that I hope will distract me
from the sober reality of the day. But then the day arrives, and inevitably I
find myself hugging a box of Kleenex.
The truth is, I should have been aborted.
Okay, okay. I know I shouldn’t have been aborted because I wasn’t, but statistically, I should have been discarded the day my birth mom learned of my existence. She met all the acceptable criteria for an abortion.
Bottom line: She was unprepared and I was unwanted.
And yet here I am.
It’s almost 7pm and I am hoping the waterworks stop before my Kleenex run out, otherwise it’s going to get ugly.
Here’s the thing. We talk about children all the time in this country. Politicians use children as props to promote their causes (gun control, education, national debt). But you’ll notice that when a politician wants to discuss abortion, he puts a woman on stage and not a child.
You’ll never find children on the stage of a pro-abortion discussion. It’s a whole lot harder to talk about abortion when you’re looking at children instead of statistics.
So here it goes.
I am no statistic. I am a human being. I am the product of a relationship that didn’t last. I was not planned and likewise unwanted by those who would have been my family. My birth mother was unprepared for motherhood, didn’t have a place to live, had an ultimatum from a boyfriend, and barely had money in her pocket. But—with the help of those who saw my birth mother as a person instead of a problem—she found the courage to do the hard thing. As a result, I was adopted. I have adopted. I will adopt again.
Next time you hear people couching abortion as a “woman’s right,” consider the fact that women-to-be are aborted every single day. The only women whose rights get honored are the ones who were given life in the first place.
Today is a dark day in this country. January 22, 1973, was stamped on death certificates for millions who were not yet conceived.
That it wasn’t stamped on mine is something I pray I will never take for granted.
**Note from Becky: Please remember that this is a personal testimony of someone who has lived face to face with abortion. I would LOVE it if you left an encouraging comment for Trisha in the comment section below. I am truly grateful to Trisha for making herself vulnerable by sharing her story. May God use it to encourage others.

She and her husband, Luke, published their first book, Trust Hope Pray:Encouragement for the Task of Waiting, while waiting nearly 30 months to meet their first child via adoption. When she isn’t feeding her bonus baby or teaching her toddler to count, she can be found updating her blog at
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Thanks for sharing! My story is almost exactly the same as yours. My birth mother was pressured to have an abortion at about 8 months pregnant. A Christian couple stopped her from doing so. I was born about 2 weeks before the Roe V Wade decision was made. I just turned 40. Thank God! But there is still so much work to do to protect other precious babies!
I quoted and linked to you in my story:
Thank you for sharing!
Thank you for sharing and making yourself vulnerable. I get annoyed at all the posts about saving a dog about to be killed yet it is okay to kill babies! Planned Parenthood and pro abortionists do not tell the abortion minded woman what it will be like to see pregnant women, to wonder what your child would be doing at certain ages, to wonder about their graduations, proms, weddings and all the things that will be reminders, or other post abortive feelings of quilt and pain. A life is a life from the moment it begins to grow and we as a society have allowed 49 million to be killed. I have an adopted son and the thought that his life could have been taken away (as yours) is very upsetting. Yes, I hold the tissues close at the anniversary also (although for me it was Saturday as I was preparing something to say at church). God Bless
Thank you Noteable Scraps for sharing your story as well!
I missed something in this story, so I am a bit confused. Is the 22 her birthday? And if so, why does it make her sad? I would think that she is here would make her happy. Either way, while I have never aborted and it wasn't an option for me, I do see certain instances where it would be the right choice for some people
Thank you so much for sharing your story. A couple very, very close to me had an abortion because they weren't yet prepared for a child. I was almost sick when I heard about it afterwards. I was only able to have one child. I would have gladly adopted their baby and have the joy of being a mommy for two wonderful children. Even though I understand their decision it took a long time before I felt comfortable with them again.
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