
Easy Refrigerator Pickles

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It's just about time to plant our garden and one thing we love to plant a lot of is cucumbers. We enjoy eating them throughout the summer but what we love best is using them for Refrigerator Pickles. Ever since we started making our own pickles a couple of years ago the store-bought varieties have yet to make their way back into our home.

And with planting season almost upon us, you might want to consider adding several pickling cucumber plants to your garden. These Refrigerator Pickles are simple to make and will stay crisp for months in your fridge. Even if you don't have room for a garden you can probably pick up pickling cucumbers at your local grocery store or farmer's market and give these a try.

The best way to preserve your pickles is in Mason Jars because you will need something durable enough to withstand the heat when you first make them. It's not necessary to use new canning lids so I just reuse the ones from our jars of canned fruit when we are done with them.

What You Will Need:

Mason Jars
Canning Rings
Canning Lids (used is fine)
Pickling Cucumbers
6 c. water
1 c. white vinegar
1 t. turmeric (optional)
1/4 c. salt (We use Redmond Real Salt)
3-4 stems of dill per jar (might as well grow this in your garden, too!)
2 cloves of garlic per jar
1 T. pickling spices per jar (without added salt)

What to Do:

Since I tend to make a lot of pickles at once, I usually double this recipe but regardless, choose a pot based on your needs. Then, boil water, white vinegar, salt and turmeric.

In the bottom of each empty Mason Jar, add 3-4 stems of dill and 2 cloves of garlic. Wash your cucumbers and either slice them or leave them whole depending on how you like your pickles. Pack each jar with cucumbers and add 1 T. of pickling spices on top.

Pour the water/vinegar mixture over cucumbers leaving 1/4" head space. If you like a stronger flavor, feel free to add more dill and garlic to the top of your jar. Seal with canning lid and ring.

Spread a kitchen towel on your counter and let your jars cool on it for about an hour before adding to your refrigerator. After 24 hours in your refrigerator, your pickles are ready! Our pickles usually last us a whole year--just in time for summer to come when more cucumbers are ready in the garden.

Making your own pickles is so simple and is a great way for beginners to try their hand at preserving their own food.


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