
Introducing a New Nature Based Character Study!

The idea to do nature based character studies came to me one day while sitting in church. I thought of the many examples that God gives us in Scripture of things that are found in nature that He uses to help shape our character. Probably the most familiar example is the ant in Proverbs 6:6-8. God tells us to take the time to observe the ant and to see how she works. Her very nature is diligence. She doesn’t need someone standing over her telling her what to do. She has initiative and a hardworking spirit. I don’t know about you, but that’s the kind of character I want for myself and my family.

This led me to start thinking about studying the examples that are laid out for us in Scripture and to faithfully teach them to my children. I was thrilled with the results! Scripture was easily memorized, character was supernaturally developed and fun was had as we snacked, read and crafted our way through the unit.

One thing I didn’t expect to discover in these units was how badly I needed them! It was heart wrenching sometimes to have the magnifying glass of God’s Word show me where I needed to change. But transparency on my part and love from my children helped me to grow alongside them. It also allowed them to have the freedom to be honest with their own struggles. The only way true change can take place is when we allow our sinful hearts to get a thorough cleansing on a daily basis from God’s Word.  He saved us, not on the basis of deeds which we have done in righteousness, but according to His mercy, by the washing of regeneration and renewing by the Holy Spirit.” Titus 3:5

God designed us in such a way that the more senses we use, the more learning will take place. With that in mind, I designed activities that use various senses. As you work through the character study activities, be sure to incorporate the verse for that unit during your time with your child. God’s Word is hidden deep in our hearts simply by talking about it regularly. In fact, young children will often memorize things without any effort on their part simply because they heard something over and over. I can think of no better way for them to meditate on and memorize God’s Word than by hearing a caring adult talk about it with them often. (Psalm 119:11; Deuteronomy 6:9)

I used this character study with my children ages 4-12. You will probably find that it will take you about a week, on average, to work through all of the activities. Some of the activities might be a little advanced for a toddler/preschooler and some will be below an older child. What I have found to be true in our home is that when I teach everyone together, some things go over the younger children’s heads but they pick up on things along the way. Additionally, some things might be considered too young for an older child but they are flexible and go along with the activities simply because we’re completing them together. 

I compiled a list of resources that I found to be helpful, although not necessary, for this unit study. You will find them below.

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Nature Anatomy 
Melissa and Doug Washable Poster Paint
Beeswax Crayons 
Bee Napkins
Hide 'Em in Your Heart Vol 1 and 2
Life Cycle of a Honey Bee

Mason Bee House
Annie's Hexagon Shaped Crackers
Bee pins (a fun way to end the unit!)

It would make me so happy to see how you incorporate this unit study into your home. I love the creativity that abounds among families! If you would like to, please tag @purposefulhomemaking on either Instagram or Facebook so I can see how you are using these studies to develop godly character in your home. 

Be sure to check out my ebooks as well: A Wife's Guide to Studying ProverbsTopical Devotions for Pregnancy and Early Potty Teaching

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