
Helpful Tips For Growing an Organic Garden

Guest Writer, Hilary Smith

Gardening and homemaking go hand-in-hand so if you’re considering starting an organic garden you’re not alone. Yet, you may still be wondering if it is possible to have a garden that is 100% organic. For instance, will your yield be low because you did not use sprays to keep out pests and weeds? Or will your plants be smaller because they did not have plant food? While these are all legitimate questions, the truth is that you do not need any store-bought items to have a lush, thriving garden. Here are a few helpful tips on how to grow your garden organically. 

Start with the Basics

Organic gardening starts with simple and practical tips that are all aligned with nature. For future organic gardeners one of the first things to do is to find a sunny spot in your yard for your garden. Your garden will need maximum access to sunlight, at least 6 hours per day to ensure your plants can grow. Furthermore, when it comes to watering gardens in the yard, make sure your garden is in a location that is either in reach of a hose or that you can carry water to easily for the best results.

Another basic premise is to start with organic seeds. Hybrid seeds are those that have been manipulated during the growing process. This could include plants that were grown with pesticides or have been genetically altered. On the other hand, organic seeds are certified by the USDA and have been grown without the extra manipulation. This will ensure your family has the healthiest produce possible.

An Organic Gardening Method

Furthermore, make sure your gardening method of choice is also organic. While purchasing expensive parts or equipment to build your garden may be alluring, there is really no need for any of this when it comes to growing organically. Two convenient options for growing an organic garden are a raised bed made of wood or simply ground beds that use nothing but soil. For either approach, you can simply dig up the existing soil you already have and let nature do the work for you.

One way to ensure you continue to have rich soil is to remember to compost. Composting allows you to feed your garden organically, creating the perfect, natural balance for your plants. Keep food scraps and then layer them in your garden to create a nutrient-rich ground that will continue to yield healthy plants for many seasons to come.

Companion Plants

Lastly, consider companioning your plants. This will include having a great mix and variety of fruits, veggies, herbs and even flowers all mixed together! A companion gardening layout will include placing different plants beside each other. This also helps the side-by-side plants benefit one another. For instance, one plant may not need as much of a nutrient as the one beside it. In this manner, you ensure each plant’s health and potential.

Also, do not count out the power of flowers. Flowers pay an important part in your organic garden as well. This is because they will attract bees, butterflies, birds and other animals that will help with germination. They can also help to control and attract pests away from your growing edibles which provides a relief in knowing all of your hard work and efforts will not go to waste because of hungry critters!

All in all, growing a fully organic garden has never been easier. You can have delicious dinners at home, provide your family with healthy snacks and even preserve foods for later use such as making delicious homemade jams. Get back to the basics and consider any of these helpful tips for a successful organic garden today.

Be sure to check out my "Bee Kind" nature based character development unit and my ebooks as well: A Wife's Guide to Studying ProverbsTopical Devotions for Pregnancy and Early Potty Teaching. Or, if you're looking for a way to get 30 raw fruits and vegetables in your diet every day, contact me here

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