If you said, "Hey Becky, I'm going to give you an hour of uninterrupted time. What do you want to do with it?" I'd probably choose to sit down with a yummy cup of coffee and a good book.
I love to read and have recently began to make a point to spend at least 15 minutes a day reading. Sadly, it was something I had let go due to the demands of motherhood, but am realizing it is important to make that time to read.
I have alway loved books.
As a child I was banned from bringing my book to the table because Mom would call that dinner was ready, I'd walk to the table (reading all the way), sit down for dinner (still reading), we'd pray, and then I'd go back to reading. As good as it is for a child to read, reading at the dinner table probably isn't the best place to do it (although secretly, I'm still tempted to do it even though now I'm the Mom).
Anyways, yes, reading is one of my favorite things which is why I love books. Not just books for myself, but books for my kids, and nieces and nephews, and neighbor kids...you get the picture. So, you can imagine why I love Usborne Books so much.
Seriously, Theresa just has to whip out her case of books and I'm instantly drawn to them. There are books for babies on up. I love the touchy feely books for babies that are always a part of the "That's not my..." collection.
I love the science books (as does my son!) I love the How Big is a Million book that teaches math and wonder and then has a giant pull-out poster at the end that really does have a million stars on it.
My kids and I love There's a Mouse about the House and A Squirrel's Tale where you get a little cut out mouse or squirrel and use them to travel through the story.
I also love the learning pallettes that teach Counting, Rhyming Words, the Alphabet, Beginning Consonants, Beginning Vocabulary and Vowels.
My kids also enjoy reading this series. And oh my, this one too for math! And this one for teaching the classic stories on an age appropriate level. Well, I think you get the picture. I could put a hundred links on here to all my favorites, but you can check them out for yourself here.
One of the many great things about Usborne is that the books are interesting and many are interactive so it makes reading enjoyable. From a teacher's perspective, if I could get a child who "hated to read" to see how fun it could be I already won half the battle.
These books are fun! Studies show that reading out loud to your child is the single best thing you can do for their development (on several levels!)
So, that's why I have the new Usborne tab at the top of my blog now. Theresa has been with Usborne for a long time so she is very knowledgeable about their products and will steer you in the right direction for books for your family. Check out the books. They are some of my absolute favorites! Plus, if you go to her website you can click here for a chance to win $50 in books! Good luck!
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