
Usborne Book Super Deals

You may or may not know that I LOVE Usborne Books for our family.

In fact, when choosing a curriculum for this year, it was kind of a selling point for me when I found out that Sonlight uses a lot of Usborne books for their main curriculum.

And not surpringsly, it proved to be a winner going that route for both my son and me. He LOVES the Usborne books we use every day for school. For example, we are LOVING this book as our main science curriculum right now.

We frequently check the animals we learn about on and are AMAZED at what we learn.

I can't tell you how many times we've learned about one of God's amazing animals in this book that I'm just dumbfounded by how incredible they are.

For example, recently we learned from our Usborne World of Animals that the Lyre Bird can imitate the sound of a chainsaw. Seriously. Want to hear it for yourself? Click on the video below:

So, why am I telling you all this about Usborne??

Because they are having some great deals in celebration of Black Friday (you know, that day that's opening day for Christmas shopping sort of like opening day for deer season?)

So, swing by Usborne's site and get some great books for your family! Click on the link below.

**This post contains affiliate links (basicially, if you purchase any Usborne books through my link I can earn books for my kids. Thank you if you do!)

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