
TruthQuest History Review


"God initiates; People respond; History happens."

TruthQuest History: What it is

TruthQuest History is a history curriculum written by Michelle,"a veteran homeschooler, author, columnist, speaker, consultant, and the founder/operator of a large library used by area homeschooled youth. TruthQuest History was born from her own yearning to teach deep truth through history to her children, and from her work with the many families who learn through her library."

A good way to look at TruthQuest is that it's a history commentary with a very detailed book list that enhances the information that was presented.

How it Works

Michelle writes a page or two of information about the era you are studying and then provides a grade level recommended reading list of books that focus on that particular era. These books allow for a "living" perspective on the time period in which you are studying. The stories help that time in history to come alive for both you and your child.

Please keep in mind that since this curriculum utilizes many, many books, you will want to make sure you have a library card. (Hopefully you already do!) My library didn't have a LOT of the books I needed, however, we use the inter-library loan system often which allows books to be checked out from libraries all over our state. The only drawback is that it sometimes takes a little while to get them so you'd probably want to request your books a couple weeks ahead of when you'll actually need them.

What We Thought

We reviewed the American History for Young Students II (one of my favorite times in history to study.) At first I didn't think this curriculum was a great fit for my kids and me because I thought it was just a list of books to read and the conversational tone was a tad too much for me, especially the excessive use of exclamation marks. However, once I got past that, I could see the benefit of what was being taught and I am learning to use "living" books for our children as we study various subjects.

That being said, I think this would be a good addition to the period of history you're studying. I say addition because I like to have a schedule planned out for teaching and this doesn't seem to really have one. I'm a schedule girl and need it set up like that.

Because of that, I don't think I would choose to use this alone, but rather alongside something already planned out. Or, perhaps this would be a great thing to use in the summer because it will still be teaching your children information in a fun way--through living books and would encourage you to get out to your library during the summer months. Personally, this is how I think I would use it.

Michelle has done a wonderful job intertwining the stories of history along with truth about God and His Word. My favorite aspect about this curriculum is that God is not omitted from the story of time, nor is He just tacked on as an outsider looking in. He is IN the story.

It's so wonderful to be able to present history to my children in that way for the first time. I am not opposed to presenting stories and facts from history to them from secular works, such as the Usborne Book of World History, but it is really nice to not have to constantly interject truth into the stories we read in those kinds of books. It's already done for us in TruthQuest. I think Michelle's philosophy sums it up best by saying, "God initiates; People respond; History happens."

Additional Information

The particular book I reviewed retails for $24.95 or if you prefer the PDF version, $19.95.
There are several other books in this series, all of which can be found here. On that link you will also find that there are companions for the unit you are studying allowing for an even more indepth study. Should you have any questions, you may contact TruthQuest here.

Be sure to check out what my fellow TOS Crew members think of this. I'm sure the veteran homeschoolers will have even better thoughts on it.


** Disclaimer: As a member of the TOS Crew, I received this product, at no cost to me, in exchange for my honest review. All opinions are mine.

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