
Rediscovering Homemaking Mini-Series

Welcome to the Rediscovering Homemaking Mini-Series! I am very excited to have several guest writers join me for this event. Over the next couple of days we will hear from Courtney at Simply Nurtured, Trisha at House Honcho, Caroline and April, a mother/daughter team at Naturally from the Heart and Crystal from Crystal Starr.

My purpose in creating this mini-series is to encourage and help equip those who have the desire to be a full time homemaker, but aren't sure where to start.

Personally, homemaking was one of those things that I kind of fell in to when I became a Stay at Home Mom 7 years ago. Prior to that, I didn't feel the need to really invest in learning about homemaking.

Wikipedia defines a career as "an occupation or a profession that usually involves special training or formal education, and is considered to be a person’s lifework." Looking back on my high school, college and post college days, I would have done well to prepare a little better not only for my career in the workforce, but also my career in the home. As a full time homemaker I am pursuing my lifework, and yet, I spent much more time and money preparing for the career I left behind. I don't look at it as a waste by any means, but I do wish I had spent more time reading and learning about homemaking than I did.

My "Homemaker in Training"
Because really and truly, full time homemaking is a career. And when it becomes your career, you suddenly start researching how you can do things more effectively in the home. Things like meal planning, living on one income, learning how to biblically train your children, how to homeschool, how to eat/live healthier, and how to potty train a child all of a sudden become a big priority.

Becoming a Homemaker is a slow, gradual process for me that has even led me to start blogging at Purposeful Homemaking. (I say is because I am still learning so much. I feel like I have pursued knowledge so much more than when I was in college.)

Homemaking is my pursuit and my passion and I want to be purposeful about it and share that purpose with others.

Why? Because I feel like homemaking has been bullied by the "big city-slicker kids" in corporate America much like we read about bullying on the playground these days. If you are a full time homemaker, I'm sure you've been asked a question related to what you actually do all day, or perhaps it's even your own self-doubts that bully you with whether or not what you do is actually worth it.

I'm here to tell you it is.

Why? Because God ordained the family unit way back at the beginning of time and frankly, it has come under quite a bit of attack over the last couple of generations. A homemaker has the opportunity to shape and influence lives, who will then go out to shape and influence more lives, who will then go out to shape and influence more lives.

Satan would love for us to think that homemaking isn't really as important as it is because he knows what kind of change we can create in our world if we put all of our talents and pursuits into being the best homemaker we can be.

Dorothy Patterson states the vastness of possibility with homemaking when she said,

Homemaking--being a full-time wife and mother--is not a destructive drought of uselessness but an overflowing oasis of opportunity; it is not a dreary cell to contain your talents and skills but a brilliant catalyst to channel creativity and energies into meaningful is neither limitation of gifts available nor stinginess in distributing the benefits of those gifts, but rather the multiplication of a mother's legacy to the generations to come and generous bestowal of all God meant a mother to give to those He entrusted to her care.

Wow! Do you see what I mean? If we yield ourselves to God's service and as a result serve and nurture our families, the possibilities are endless.

Now granted, being a good homemaker helps if you have a self-starter type personality or are naturally inclined in the areas of cooking, cleaning, sewing. (Just for the record, I am not naturally inclined in any of those areas, but oh, how I wish I were!) But really, anyone can become purposeful about making a home for their family whether it is a family of two or twelve.

Elizabeth George said in A Wife After God's Own Heart:

Expertise in taking care of your home can also be learned....Here's where godly, older women come in. According to Titus 2:3-5, these ladies are to be available and actively teaching the in's and out's of being a wife after God's own heart to their younger sisters-in-Christ. And the curriculum includes the area of homemaking skills (verse 5). So see if you can latch on to one of these dear saints! Pray, ask for help, and then try doing what you are taught.

The passion for a mini-series like this came from a desire to share my own journey towards becoming a full-time homemaker, but also because I realized that there seems to be a lot of women who are seeking direction on how to actually be a homemaker. I would love to encourage you in that pursuit and I hope this mini-series does just that!

And it doesn't end with this mini-series. God has laid it on my heart to continue encouraging you in your pursuit of homemaking as I have older women share their hearts on various topics in relation to homemaking. That way, even if you do not have anyone in your life that you can physically go to to get encouragement in this endeavor, you will be able to read from several godly women who want to bless and encourage you in your efforts.

So, would you please join me this week as we cover topics such as Meal Planning, LaundryCooking and more.?I hope you'll come back each day for more helpful tips on homemaking. We'll even include a giveaway along the way to help equip you in your pursuit of homemaking.

I'm looking forward to it! Are you?
Thanks so much for visiting Purposeful Homemaking. Please take a moment to "Like" me on Facebook, follow me on Twitter or stay connected with Google Friend Connect so you don't miss a thing!
Current Sponsors

I am blessed to have these sponsors join me on Purposeful Homemaking. Please take a minute to check out their sites.
Heather Bixler-inspirational author of ebook devotional
Blessings Unlimited-unique, inspirational products for the home
Usborne Books-great books for the whole family!


Anonymous said...

I am so looking forward to this series! I have been a Homemaker for more than 25 years, and continue to gain more knowledge! Thank you for providing us with more opportunities to learn and grow! said...

You're welcome! I'm sure after 25 years of homemaking you can offer ME advice! :)

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