Recently our older children learned about magnets for school. I decided to see if there were any good ideas on Pinterest for the subject and discovered an activity for our preschooler that also involved magnets.
Besides having the kids go around the house with magnets to see what was magnetic or not, we also did a sensory bin. For ours I used some old dried beans that I didn't need anymore and put items in there that were and were not magnetic. All of the kids had fun with this activity!
But for our preschooler, I found and idea that uses magnetic letters on word cards. I decided to make some of my own and this is what we came up with. (Of course I didn't pin the original idea so now I can't give credit for it...)
The kids and I thought of words that would be basic enough for a preschooler and were also ones you could come up with cute clip art for! Here is an idea of what they look like.
I laminated the cards and then cut them in half. We use our Leap Frog Magnetic letters for the activity and use the cards on the fridge or freezer.
While our youngest is still too young to do this activity by himself, it makes for a great activity for his big sister to help him with and it is a fun and educational!
Unfortunately, I cannot get my sharing file to cooperate so if you would like me to email you the files, I'd be happy to. You can contact me at becky(at)purposefulhomemaking(dot)com.
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