
Life After Baby Series: Motherhood and Trusting God

Motherhood is somewhat like being given a big puzzle to complete...but with the picture of the finished product missing from the cover.

There are all of these intricate pieces that you know go together but sometimes you're just not sure how.

Motherhood involves a lot of trust, prayer and inevitably includes mistakes as we see if this piece will be the solution to the current problem we're facing. But sometimes it's not, so we try another piece and another piece until things start to snap into place.

Since becoming a mother is much like trying to figure out how to do a puzzle without the picture on the top of the box, it can be overwhelming and discouraging at times and we have to figure out how to trust this child that we love more than anything else to God.

moments after our first child was born

But it's okay if we're not expert puzzle solvers. Even after we've worked on a puzzle for years.

Because as time goes on, you can see that you aren't putting the puzzle together by yourself. You see the hand of God guiding each decision and you realize you're not alone in this journey of motherhood.

Since we can't see what the finished product is supposed to look like, we need to learn to trust the One who designed the puzzle. He's not chiding us when we don't get things figured out the first time, but He is willing and able to help us figure out the puzzle if we ask Him.

His grace is sufficient for all our needs and shines best through our weakness.

Picture a stained glass window on a cloudy day. You can appreciate the detail and beauty that is there, but it's nothing compared to when the sun is shining through the stained glass and the reflections fall across the room.

As created beings, we can appreciate the beauty and detail that has gone into making us because we are made in the image of God. But our true beauty shines in a magnificent, God-sized way when we let the strength of Christ shine through our weakness.

Motherhood is often the most complex calling in life because we have to trust God for the people we love most in this world. We won't always know how to fix their problems or how to take away their pain and that is worse than having our own problems and pain. But as a Christian mother, we can pour our heart out to God on behalf of our children and know He hears and answers our prayers.

These are just a few of the verses that God has encouraged me with in my days as a mother. I hope they encourage you, too. Just remember, God's grace is all you need to be the mom He has called you to be.

Psalm 25:9-10 "He leads the humble in what is right, teaching them his way. The LORD leads with unfailing love and faithfulness all those who keep his covenant and obey his decrees."
Psalm 31:19 "Your goodness is so great! You have stored up great blessings for those who honor you. You have done so much for those who come to you for protection, blessing them before the watching world."
Psalm 34:4 "I prayed to the LORD, and he answered me, freeing me from all my fears."

How has God encouraged you in your role as a mother? 

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Jenn said...

What would we do without the grace of God? I am so far from perfect with my motherhood and fail every day. Thankfully I don't have to rely on my own strength but have the Lord's strength to see me through and give me grace when I mess up. said...

I too am thankful for His grace!

Unknown said...

I've been cooking peppers and onions in the skillet on the grill a lot lately. I'll have to add jalapenos next time. Yum. I like cooking bacon that way too, although hot fat + open flame adds a nice element of danger. I used to get flank steak, but my husband got me to try the carne asada cut from our local market, and I prefer it. Not sure if it's thin-cut flank or skirt (I'll have to ask), but it looks like this 

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