It wasn't that long ago that I was washing dishes one evening at the kitchen sink. I can't remember exactly what all I was thinking about, but most likely, my responsibilities as a wife and mother.
As I was bent over the sink scrubbing dishes, I sensed the presence of Christ with me. His peace washed over me as His truth from His Word was pressed deeper into my heart: "I am with you. You are not alone."
Immediately, tears came to my eyes as I realized how strong Christ's presence was with me in that moment.
He cares about us Moms as we're washing dishes {again} on behalf of our family, He cares about us as we wake up in the night to feed our baby, He cares about us when we are just so tired the next morning and pray for His help in our role as a wife and mother, He cares about us as we take a child aside to instruct and train them in the way that they should go, He cares about us as we're doing the umpteenth load of laundry.
God is with us.
It is such a profound truth, but one that is often neglected in my own life and leaves me feeling like I have to do this "mothering thing" on my own.
But God's Word tells me otherwise. Emmanuel, one of the names of God, means "God with us."
Those three words are incredible. God is with me when I'm up in the night ministering to the needs of my children, God is with me when I'm sick in bed and wondering how to keep up with everything, God is with me when I grasp at His truth and pray that He would help me to convey that truth to our children. God is with me when I'm grocery shopping and pushing a cart full of children and groceries and trying to get through the store without any incidences. God is with me all the time and everywhere.
El Roi, another name of God, means, "the God who sees."
God sees us when we give of ourselves until we feel we have nothing left to give.
God sees us as we try to get the hang of this homemaking thing, God sees us when we get up at 4 am to get ourselves and kids ready and out the door on time for work and school, God sees us when we sit down to homeschool our kids even though the dishes are piled high in the sink and the washer and dryer are full of clothes, God sees us when we work to help bring in income for our family, God sees us when we shuttle kids to hockey games late at night, God sees us when we try to stretch our dollar just to make ends meet, God sees us when we are struggling to relate to a tumultuous teenager. God sees us.
There's no doubt about it, there really is no way to prepare for the incredible demands of motherhood other than to get to know your God deeply.
It's okay if you weren't taught how to meal plan, or clip coupons, or change a diaper, or make a meal out of nothing. It's okay if you struggle to keep a budget, don't know how to decorate your home beautifully on a dime or feel unqualified to be a mom.
Because the bottom line is, God is with you and He sees you.
He is the "strength of your heart" (Psalm 73:26) and He is your shelter (Psalm 73:28).
And when you call out to Him, He will guide and direct you. He will equip you for the task at hand and show you His strength in your weakness.
Don't worry about anything; pray about everything and just be faithful to what He has called you to. God is gracious to give you the strength you need to complete His holy calling on your life.
Motherhood is missional work. When you respond to God's call, motherhood becomes a holy calling.
It's no wonder then that when Christ overwhelms us with His presence while we we're "just" doing dishes, that the kitchen sink becomes hallowed ground.
"Now may the God of peace make you holy in every way, and may your whole spirit and soul and body be kept blameless until that day when our Lord Jesus Christ comes again. God, who calls you, is faithful; He will do this." I Thessalonians 5:23-24
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