My neighbor and I were chatting once about the world we live in and he was quite discouraged by the state of our society. I replied that I was doing my part by raising kids who, Lord-willing, will make a difference and he just shook his head and said it was too late.
My response? I politely said, "Don't tell me that. It's never too late." ;)
I am pouring my life into each child that God entrusts to my care, and by His grace and with His help, those children will grow up to be world changers.
World changers don't have to conquer the known world, they just impact the world they live in simply by loving and serving others.
As Moms, we have, perhaps, the greatest influence over our children's hearts than anyone else.
Because of that, we need to be committed to giving our children the life-giving truth of God's Word. It takes precedence over every other thing we will ever teach our kids.
It does not need to be to the neglect of other areas of our lives, but look at it this way: Spending time in God's Word with your children ought to be the bookends to every day.
The truths we share from God's Word set our children on the right path in the morning and are what our children meditate on as they lay their head on their pillow each night.
Strive to start your day with God and your children.
It doesn't have to be at 5 a.m. and it doesn't have to be an hour long. It could be as simple as you sharing with your children what God has taught you through your time one on one with Him.
Then, at the end of the day, gather the family together for a few minutes before bed and let your husband encourage your family through prayer and Bible reading.
I understand that this may not be a strength for him and if he isn't willing to lead, there is no reason you can't. Maybe you'll be pleasantly surprised and see him start to lead this time with the family.
Can I tell you a secret?
We're new to this. As a family, we've been working on this over the last several months and it has been a tremendous blessing! My only regret is that we didn't do this years ago.
If you don't know where to start, I will tell you that I love using Apologia's Worldview Series in the mornings with our kids. I only use the main book and haven't bothered with the notebooks. There are natural segments in each chapter that give great starting points. I cannot say enough about this series!
But honestly, even if you just read a Psalm or Proverb a day with your kids before bed, that is great! God's Word always accomplishes what He sets it out to do!
And remember, I'm praying for you Moms. I really am! We have the opportunity to influence souls in such unique ways. You can be the Game Changer.
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Thanks Becky. I think this is one of your best posts. Good advice for moms and grandmas too.
Thank you for your words of encouragement!
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