
Life After "I Do"

We're in the home stretch of this 31 Days to a Stronger Marriage series. I hope that by now you have been able to start implementing truths from God's Word and that you are seeing His Word bring to fruition what it has set out to accomplish.

God's Word is powerful and the results are unpredictable because we never know just how God is going to accomplish His wonderful and awesome plan in our life when we are committed to following His ways.

Proverbs 24 reminds me that my home needs to be an area of my life that I daily surrender to His service.

"A house is built by wisdom and becomes strong through good sense. Through knowledge its rooms are filled with all sorts of precious riches and valuables." Proverbs 24:3-4

While I am here on earth, I have the privilege and joy of serving my husband in the practical and sometimes, mundane tasks of life.

But those behind-the-scene necessities of life are actually creating the most beautiful picture I ever could have imagined. It's a picture of a home that is filled with wisdom and good sense and as such, becomes a beacon on a hill in this dark world we live in.

When a wife puts her energy into building her home and filling it with wisdom and knowledge, it becomes a place of peace and rest that others want to be a part of.

Marriage is a picture of Christ and His bride, the church. As believers, we are to put aside our own desires and serve Christ. When we lose our own life, we find the life Christ intends for us to live. And when we find our life in Christ, others will want to find theirs, too and the body of Christ then begins to grow.

I can only imagine what kind of life I will find when I lose my own. I desperately need the help and wisdom of Christ to see just what that looks like for my home.

And isn't it so freeing to know there isn't a checklist for how to have the perfect home?

The truth is, I just need more Jesus.  

"As we know Jesus better, His divine power gives us everything we need for living a godly live. He has called us to receive His own glory and goodness!" (2 Peter 1:3-4)

Do you want to be a peaceful wife? Get more Jesus

Do you want to be a loving wife? Get more Jesus.

Do you want to be a wise wife? Get more Jesus.

Do you want to be an honorable wife? Get more Jesus.

"Make every effort to apply the benefits of these promises to your life. Then your faith will produce a life of moral excellence. A life of moral excellence leads to knowing God better.
Knowing God leads to self-control. Self-control leads to patient endurance, and patient endurance leads to godliness. Godliness leads to love for other Christians, and finally you will grow to have genuine love for everyone. The more you grow like this, the more you will become productive and useful in your knowledge of our Lord Jesus Christ." (2 Peter 1:5-8)

A Prayer:

"Being a wife is so much more than saying "I Do" and slipping a ring on my finger. It's about making a godly home for my husband. Please help me to build my home with wisdom and to make it strong by using good sense. Help me to acquire knowledge to fill our home with precious riches and valuables that are eternal."

Join me tomorrow as we study Proverbs chapter 25. Just getting started on the series? Catch up with all the posts on my landing page between now and October 31.

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