
How We Celebrate the 100th Day of School

We celebrated the 100th Day of School this year because my Kindergartner had a 100's chart where he was keeping track of the days of school. Because of that, I figured we should make a big deal about getting through 100 days of school, so here's how partied.

The kids were greeted with a 100 treat for breakfast that I made out of part of a pretzel rod and two Oreos. (This will be the one day a year they get not just one, but two Oreos for breakfast.)

I told them that I had another surprise for them but that they would have to wait until I got ready for the day first. They happily worked on various 100 Days of School worksheets while I showered and dressed.

Once I was ready, I told them to all go to the school table and then I would show them their surprise.

And boy, were they surprised. In fact, it was completely reminiscent of April Fool's Day a couple years back.

Sadly, it was, once again, not the reaction I was expecting when I walked around the corner!

I thought it would be so much fun to put some gray colored hair spray in my hair, add a few dark(er) circles under my eyes and accentuate my natural crow's feet ha ha!
I did the best I could to don some old lady attire by putting my glasses on the rim of my nose, wearing a flowered skirt, my grandma's earrings, necklace and watch and wearing an old cardigan. (The really funny part is that the kids kept telling me that morning how beautiful I looked because I was wearing a skirt, lipstick and big earrings. They are so funny! Needless to say, that was before I added the dark circles under my eyes, crow's feet and colored my hair gray!)
The only problem is, that when I walked around the corner in my old lady voice welcoming the kids to the 100th day of school, some of them looked at me with shock, horror and disbelief and one child even started crying!! What??? This was supposed to be fun!
The crier later informed me that they weren't prepared to be greeted by an old lady on the 100th day of school and that it wasn't what they were expecting. The other interesting thing is that they said it made them sad to think about me being old. They're so precious. I think they all much prefer their more youthful mom.
Eventually, everyone warmed up to the idea and one kid loved it. Even "the crier" said later, "Thanks for making this such a fun day!"
We continued to celebrate the day with poems, songs, counting to 100 by 1s, 5s and 10s and 100 jumping jacks (kids only ha!). Plus, the two older boys decided they wanted to try a little gray in their hair also and I must say, they looked pretty dapper!
All in all, it was a fun day!
Do you celebrate the 100th Day of School and if so, what do you do?

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