Breakfast Ideas
Monday- Eggs, fruit, bread,(banana & zucchini) or muffin (blueberry)
Tuesday- Oatmeal, apples, dried cranberries
Wednesday – Smoothie, muffin or bread
Thursday – Oatmeal, apples, dried cranberries
Friday – French Toast, fruit (or Banana Splits)
Saturday – Pancakes
Sunday – Pancakes or Casserole
Lunch Ideas (besides LO’s)
Grilled Cheese
Salmon patties
PB&J quesadillas in quesadilla maker
So-Happy-Together Sundays
B: Fall Cafe Spinach Bake
L: Butternut Squash Puree (Casserole)
D: Homemade Pizza
L: Roast
D: Homemade Pizza
L: Spaghetti
D: Homemade Pizza
L: BBQ Chicken (Crock pot)
Mexican Monday
B: Banana Splits
D: Crispy Bea & Cheese Burritos
L: PBJ Quesadillas
D: Chicken or Beef Enchiladas
B: Blueberry Muffins & Smoothie
D: Tacos
D: Chicken Fajitas
Tried & True Tuesday
B: Banana Bread
D: Creamy Carrot Soup
B: Zucchini Bread
D: Pasta Pesto
D: Meatball Soup
D: Chicken Cacciatore
Worked-Over Wednesdays (a.k.a Leftovers!)
Thought-Out Thursdays
D: Maria's Lasagna (Veg: Brussel Sprouts)
D: Corn Beef & Cabbage at Mom's!
D: Chili & Homemade Cornbread
D: Chicken Patties
Freedom Friday
D: Outback Onion Soup--Amazing!
D: Pea Soup
D: quick Chicken Parmesan & Orzo & Corn Pasta
D: Yummy Pasta Goodness
Simple Saturday
D: Hotdogs & Paula Dean Baked Beans
L: Salmon Patties
If you want the recipes for any of these, please e-mail me at becky(at)purposefulhomemaking(dot)com.
Also, here is a download of all of the ingredients needed for the recipes.
i love your meal plan. and paula deen baked beans sound really good right now, despite the fact that it's 10am :)
what kind of snacks do you guys do?
Well...I'm not great about having snacks premade and I don't buy things (like fruit snacks b/c they're so bad for the kids). So, if I happen to have fruit I offer that but they get offered a lot of craisins w/almonds (whole, unsalted). Or, if I happen to have some banana bread or something like that they can have that. If they don't want the craisins/almonds I figure they must not be that hungry! :)
What do you do? I would love to start making granola, but I can only do so much. Little changes here and there, ya know? :)
and yes, those beans are amazing! have you had them b/f??? if not, you'll want to try them! do you need the recipe?
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