Lullaby Earth
I am very excited to have had the opportunity to review the Super Lightweight 2-Stage Crib Mattress from Lullaby Earth. The 2-Stage mattress has a firm flat surface for infants and a softer side for growing toddlers.
Safety Features
This mattress is truly incredible! It is the first recyclable crib mattress design ever developed! The Core and Cover are from 100% food-grade PE (polyethylene) and the Cushioning is 100% PETE (Polyethylene terephthalate).
This mattress is truly incredible! It is the first recyclable crib mattress design ever developed! The Core and Cover are from 100% food-grade PE (polyethylene) and the Cushioning is 100% PETE (Polyethylene terephthalate).
If you are new to understanding this kind of information like I am, I think you'll find this information from Lullaby Earth helpful. Plus, it also explains how they address the fire protection issue.
"Even in very small amounts, chemicals can have a negative effect on a baby's development. The Lullaby Earth baby crib mattress was designed to be free from harmful chemicals and allergens. Unlike most crib mattresses, Lullaby Earth mattresses are completely free of polyurethane foam (including "soybean" foam blends), vinyl/PVC, polyurethane coated nylon or damask, PFC water-resistant treatments, antibacterial biocides and the various chemicals associated with these materials. Fire protection is achieved with hydrated silica, a harmless natural mineral."
My favorite feature about this mattress is that it meets and exceeds all federal flammability guidelines without the use of harmful chemicals. It is also "completely free of polyurethane foam (including soybean foam blends), vinyl/PVC, PFC and antibacterial treated fabrics, as well as questionable fire retardants and known allergens." source
Sadly, the typical baby mattress is covered in PVC and the inside is filled with polyurethane foam (which is actually highly flameable). Prolonged breathing of these chemicals is especially risky for newborns and infants and those with asthma are at an even greater risk. More often than not, those that are at the highest risk are the very ones that spend an average of 12 hours a day with their face right on this kind of surface. source
In our case, what's done is done and I'm not losing sleep over what I didn't know or didn't do back when our oldest was a baby. However, I sure am glad that I have learned what I have and that we have Lullaby Earth as an option for our current crib user.
Nap time for Caleb!
This mattress is Greenguard indoor air quality certified and is independently tested for chemical emissions. (Click here to learn more).
Also, "Healthy Child Healthy World (HCHW), a nationally recognized non-profit organization dedicated to educating the public regarding environmental toxins that can affect children’s health, happily recommends the Lullaby Earth baby crib mattress."

Considering all of the details in regards to safety and practicality, this mattress is very reasonably priced. When searching for chemical free mattresses, I found Lullaby Earth to be the best priced, usually coming in at $100 below competitors prices.
Incredibly, this mattress only weighs 6.9 lbs! Its lightweight design is intended to make it easier for lifting while changing your child's crib sheet. I still had a hard time because we have a bumper on our crib so my husband is the lucky one who gets the job of changing the sheet still. :)
Incredibly, this mattress only weighs 6.9 lbs! Its lightweight design is intended to make it easier for lifting while changing your child's crib sheet. I still had a hard time because we have a bumper on our crib so my husband is the lucky one who gets the job of changing the sheet still. :)
Yep, even our 7 year old can pick it up.
However, this mattress is so light that when the Fed Ex man dropped it off I was able to bring it in the house all by myself! Our previous mattress was much heavier and harder to manuever.
This mattress is also completely waterproof and has an easy to clean firm surface. It also fits snuggly in the crib so there aren't any gaps for little ones to get a hand wedged in.
This mattress retails for $199 and is available at select stores or online at Lullaby Earth. It has a lifetime limited warranty and is proudly made in USA.
Lullaby Earth also offers the Super Lightweight Crib Mattress for only $159. It has many of the same great features as the 2-in-1!
For a quick overview, check out this video:
I hope you'll stop by Lullaby Earth to look for a safe mattress for your little one.
*Disclosure: "Other than receiving a free sample of the product
from Naturepedic, I was not paid for any of the opinions or reviews expressed
on this blog." All opinions are my own.
Memory Foam Topper - Package Deal Pair pillows, 13.5 tog duvet & mattress protector
This looks a really nice mattress. I had recently purchased a mattress, but it is not recycled one and I also need to use Mattress Protector with it. I want to purchase an Eco friendly mattress and mattress pad.
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