Proverbs 8 is an appeal to the listener to acquire wisdom. Why? Because it is far more valuable than rubies. (vs 11) Nothing you desire can be compared with it.
An often overlooked aspect about wisdom is that the one who possesses it, also knows where to discover knowledge and discernment. (vs 12)
In regards to my marriage, how does wisdom play a role?
Wisdom can have numerous facets, but what about when we are struggling in our marriage? As we know, marriage was instituted and designed by God but that doesn't mean it's easy. Because of our sinful nature, marriage takes work, prayer, love, commitment and sacrifice.
When we are working through a difficult issue, are we seeking marriage counsel in the right places? While friends can be helpful, if they are not pointing us to biblical truths to help our marriage, we should not listen to their advice.
Thankfully, there are several venues for receiving wisdom about marriage. It can come in the form of studying God's Word, from reading godly authors and from other godly women.
Tomorrow I'll be sharing various resources for marriage, but today, I'd like to focus on seeking wisdom from other godly women. Specifically those that have gone before us in the walk of marriage.
If you don't feel comfortable spending time with a mentor, I strongly encourage you to at least ask an older woman to pray for your marriage. We often overlook the power of prayer, but it is a necessary and vital part of our Christian walk. To have someone praying for your marriage and your family is such a blessing! Marriage and families are under great attack these days and we need the unseen weapons of spiritual warfare fighting for us.
Our marriage can thrive under the influence of wisdom. Even if our spouse isn't willing to seek God, the Author of wisdom, we can let Him change us into the Spirit-led wife our husband needs.
Thankfully, there isn't a checklist for how to be a better wife. Simply letting Jesus fill our life with Himself will make us better able to hear the Spirit's prompting, showing us the best way to minister to our husband. This is wisdom.
Will you join me in this pursuit of wisdom, specifically in how it relates to our marriages? I am praying for you as we push through the book of Proverbs. Will you pray for me as I write this series?
Today's Challenge is This: Seek the Author of Wisdom and let Him Show You the Best Way to Minister to Your Husband
Join me tomorrow as we study Proverbs chapter 9.
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Awesome post! Seeking wisdom from God is my first response, but I love surrounding myself with godly women to help me through this journey called marriage! Can't wait to read your next post!
Thanks Faithfully Free. :) I'm glad you're enjoying the series. I know I'm learning a lot!! :)
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