
Our Peanut Allergy Update---Feeling Relieved

That last time I wrote about our OIT journey I was feeling a bit discouraged. Thankfully, we're on the other side of that hump now so I'm feeling better. Looking back, we realized that most of the difficulties we were experiencing were due to repeated illnesses. The doctor said it's certainly common during this time of year. I asked if it will be like this for the rest of his life every time he gets sick but he assured me that the longer he is on maintenance dosing, the more immunological changes will continue to take place. Basically, his body should get more and more used to the allergen and hopefully he won't have as many reactions down the road when he gets sick.

Thankfully, none of the reactions involved an epi pen, but  they weren't always pleasant and it is reassuring we shouldn't have to be concerned about those kinds of things forever.

It really is incredible to me that we have been doing OIT for almost a whole year now. Seeing the progress we have made is humbly gratifying to say the least.

Since then, our life has consisted of a lot of apple sauce (we go through 4 packs of these a day), peanut liquid, peanut flour, peanuts and eventually peanut butter.

Can you believe that a little under a year ago, our son would react to an airborne exposure to peanuts and now he's eating 2 3/4 tsp of peanut butter twice a day?That is incredible to me!

Just look at the progress we have made! (Actually, it's even more progress than this because he had to start off on a liquid dose and then work his way up to peanut flour. This is just the progress we have made with actual peanuts or peanut butter.)

The next step is the 24 peanut challenge. That means we'll go to the office and our son will eat 24 peanuts (or the equivalent in peanut butter which is what he prefers) and if he successfully passes the challenge, we are done up dosing for peanuts. After that day, he will go back to 1 3/4 tsp of peanut butter twice a day for 3-5 months and then a lifetime maintenance of 1 3/4 tsp of peanut butter once a day. (Although our doctor seems to think that eventually it will be more like 3-5 times a week for maintenance dosing.)
I decided to schedule C's 24 peanut challenge for this coming Tuesday, but I'll admit, I'm a little nervous. I figured I would at least schedule his appointment and if by Monday night if for whatever reason it seems like he's not ready, I can just cancel and we'll try for the following Tuesday. The Lord knows the best day for him to do this challenge so I know He will guide us just like He has through this whole process.
I'm looking forward to sharing our final phase with you!
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jwhit8791 said...

Awww Becky! This made me smile. I can't believe how far your little guy has come. May God continue to lead you guys down this amazing journey. said...

Thanks Jessica! I will be so relieved when the challenge is over! It will be such a help for our sweet boy each day!

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