
Chicka Chicka Boom Boom from Fun Felt Stories

I'd like to introduce you to the Fun Felt Stories Etsy Shop. These are hand-made felt stories to help your child learn. When I saw this Chicka Chicka Boom Boom one (pictued below), I thought it was so cute! I'm sure you know how popular the book is with young children so this a GREAT way to add a sensory learning aid to your teaching time. As you probably know, the more senses involved in the learning process, the more likely it is to "stick" with your child.

When my son (age 6) used it, I was able to help him correct the direction that he put some of his letters. Although he does not struggle with writing his letters in the correct direction it was another venue that reinforced which way a letter should go.

This set is well made and I liked the cute font that was used. As you can probably see, those letters with an additional part (e.g. i or j) are reinforced with felt on the back.

This flannel set would be excellent for the classroom or home. Personally, I loved using flannel graph stories as a teacher and I love them now that I teach my own children at home. They allow your child to actively participate in the story that you are reading to them.
Here are a few more sets from Fun Felt Stories:

A set like this would also be very helpful in keeping a toddler or preschooler busy if you need to give one on one attention to an older child that you are homeschooling. I like to keep something like this in my preschool basket.

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Shelly Marie said...

I follow your blog!!

Shelly Marie said...

I love In the Tall Grass felt set!! So cute! I also really like the Numbers Children felt set...It would be a great teachers gift!!

Amanda said...

I like the Alphabet children's felt board set and the Commotion in the Ocean felt set.
Tvpg at aol dot com

Shelly Marie said...

I also shared this site on F.B.

Amanda said...

Follow your blog!
Tvpg at aol dot com

latanya t said...

I would choose the Alphabet Children's Flannel Board Felt Set

dlatany at gmail dot com

latanya t said...

I follow your blog

dlatany at gmail dot com

orangefukurou said...

I would like to win Alphabet Children's Flannel Board Felt Set

tomokofive at gmail dot com

orangefukurou said...

follow your blog
tomokofive at gmail dot com

MamaHunfy said...

I'd choose Little Mouse Little Mouse

hun423 at

MamaHunfy said...

GFC follower

hun423 at

Mama Chocolate said...

I'd choose the alphabet one or this one:
jccchocolate at gmail dot com

Mama Chocolate said...

I follow your blog!

Madeline said...

I love the Chicka Chicka one, but I think I'd have to get the "If you give a Mouse a Cupcake" one.

madelinemiller at gmail dot com

Madeline said...

I follow you on GFC (Madeline).

madelinemiller at gmail dot com

Unknown said...

I love the alphabet flannel board set
alklong at hotmail dot com

Lori said...

Love the Mouse and Strawberry set! That has been a favorite story amongst our 6dc...even my 24yo remembers it!


bUrMaN's said...

I'd choose the Alphabet one!

GraceYves said...

I would love to win Color of His Own Children's Flannel Board Felt Set!

GraceYves said...

I follow Purposeful Homemaking

jeanine said...

I'd love the If you Give a Mouse a Cookie set!

Unknown said...

id choose the alphavet one. we are into alphabet now! :)

Unknown said...

i follow you.

Unknown said...

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Tara said...

taraz9 at excite dot com

Tara said...

this set is cute:
taraz9 at excite dot com

Heather said...

I would probably pick the Stone Soup but my girls would pick If you Give a Mouse a Cookie :)
hhampton223 at aol dot com

Heather said...

I follow via email!

Sarah Hull said...

I would love the Old Macdonald Had a Farm Felt Flannel Board Set for my son since he loves farms and farm animals! The GoodNight Gorilla Childrens Flannel Board Story Felt Set is super cute too (we read that at nap time!)

SHull2319 at gmail dot com

Sarah Hull said...

I follow Purposeful Homemaking

SHull2319 at gmail dot com

Brooke said...

I love the Alphabet caterpillar. :)
brooke at richardchurch dot com

Brooke said...

I follow Purposeful Homemaking. :)
brooke at richardchurch dot com

Umm Abdullah said...

I follow your blog

Umm Abdullah said...

I really like the old mcdonald story set

Linds said...

I love the Numbers Children's Flannel set-so cute and perfect for my eager to learn 18 month old :)

Linds said...

I follow you via email.
lindz22 at yahoo dot com

Tattin' Kat said...

I follow you

Tattin' Kat said...

I would have to go with our favorite story....Give a mouse a cookie :)

daivabaum said...

Chicka Boom Boom
poniabaum at gmail dot com

daivabaum said...

I follow you via Google Friend Connect.
poniabaum at gmail dot com

Nick Ashley Reagan Coen & Ike said...

My kids would LOVE Commotion in the Ocean. Thanks!

Nick Ashley Reagan Coen & Ike said...

I follow your blog :) (Nick, Ashley, Reagan, Coen & Ike)

Unknown said...

i would also love the chicka chicka boom boom set! one of the first stories my daughter could recite, would love my son to get into it, too!!
hancoci_s at msn dot com

Erin S said...

Commotion in the Ocean is cute!

Anonymous said...

i like the wishy washey
tcogbill at live dot com

Erin S said...

Gfc esluka

Anonymous said...

I like the Numbers Children's Flannel Board Felt Set!
lifesemicrunchy at gmail dot com

Anonymous said...

I follow
lifesemicrunchy at gmail dot com

Unknown said...

I would choose the Alphabet Children's Flannel Board Felt Set!

leashae_18 at hotmail dot com

Unknown said...

I follow you via GFC - AlishaD

leashae_18 at hotmail dot com

Shanna said...

I love the alphabet letters. So many uses.

Shanna said...

Follow your blog!

Shannon Alexander said...

id like the give a mouse a cookie
shannonsweep at gmail dot c om

Shannon Alexander said...

i follow on gfc
shannonsweep at gmail dot com

Jenn @ said...

I would absolutely LOVE to win the CAT IN HAT set! It's my preschool group's favourite story book!

Jenn @ said...

i follow on gfc (organic mama)

Brandi said...

If You Give a mouse a Cookie

bwoody70 at gmail dot com

Happy Homemaker said...

I follow your blog!

Happy Homemaker said...

If you give a mouse a cookie!!!!!!

Mama Chocolate said...

I blogged about it here:

Michelle said...

Some very cute sets....I would choose Chika Chika Boom Boom
Sticemichelle at aol dot com

Michelle said...

I follow you GFC as Sticemichelle
Sticemichelle at aol dot com

BarB said...

Following on Facebook (I think - you just have to click the "like" tab, right?).

jbbiagiotti at gmail dot com

BarB said...

I would love to win the Five Green Speckled Frogs set, as I just got the book for my boy.

jbbiagiotti at gmail dot com

Serendipity Stitcher said...

I love them all but Alphabet Children's Flannel Board Felt Set would be great.

pkgbest at gmail dot com

Serendipity Stitcher said...

I follow your blog by GFC and email.

pkgbest at gmail dot com

Cat said...

GASP! Chicka Chicka Boom Boom would be it for sure! My kids LOVE that book. We read it daily now. The felts would be such a fun change!

thechattycat (at) gmail (dot) com

Cat said...

I am a follower!

thechattycat (at) gmail (dot) com

Lisa @ Our Country Road said...

I would choose the Chicka Chicka boom boom set-adorable!!

Lisa @ Our Country Road said...

I follow you!

Lindsey said...

I would like to win the Chicka Chicka Boom Boom set. I loved this story as a child

lindsey dot grimes @

Lindsey said...

I follow you

lindsey dot grimes @

Mrs. Martinet said...

I'd love to win the If You give a Mouse a Cookie set.


Mrs. Martinet said...

I follow you on GFC as Mrs. Martinet.


sindy murray said...

I would like the Tommy the Turkey Children's Flannel Board Felt Set!
smlionlamb at gmail dot com

sindy murray said...

GFC follower sindy
smlionlamb at gmail dot com

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