
Turmeric Milk Tea

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Recently I discovered the amazing health benefits of turmeric which also led me to discover a turmeric tea recipe. (If you follow my blog on Facebook, you know I shared the recipe there.)  However, after about two weeks of drinking it daily, it just wasn't that appealing to me any more.

And, considering I can never leave a recipe well enough alone, I started mixing things in a pot in the kitchen and came up with my own version of turmeric tea which suits me much better.

It's soothing, warming and delicious. Not to mention, downright good for you.

What You Need:

3 c. coconut (or almond) milk
1 t. ginger
1 t. cinnamon
1/4 t. nutmeg
1/4 t. cloves
1 t. turmeric
1 small spoonful of ghee (or grassfed butter)
a few dashes of black pepper (black pepper activates turmeric)
1 T Raw honey (or to taste)

Combine all of the ingredients except for the raw honey into a small pot. Stir and bring to a simmer. Pour into a mug and add raw honey to taste. P.s. You can get this beautiful tea cup here.

I recently learned just how amazing Turmeric is. It has numerous health benefits but the one that is the most incredible to me is that it has the ability to regulate 2000 genes! It up regulates 1000 good genes and down regulates 1000 bad genes. Impressive! (Green Med Info has even more information about this incredible spice.)

What are your favorite ways to use Turmeric?

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Melinda Johnson said...

Can you use regular butter or cream instead of ghee? or even leave it out if you don't normally use milk in your tea?

becky@purposefulhomemaking.com said...

Hi Melinda, You could definitely do it without the ghee. I just felt it added a touch of soothing to the tea, plus it has so many great natural medicinal properties. The other recipes I've seen make the tea with water and then add coconut milk to it afterwards but I prefer it this way. I guess it's technically a "flavored milk" that's heated rather than a true tea, but with serving it hot it seems more like tea to me. :)Let me know what you come up with!

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